Sunday 4 March 2012

Egg Roll

Egg rolls

Chinese appetizers is egg rolls. Egg rolls are very popular in the United States, they can be found at stores, buffets, take-out places, and at many other locations. They mainly consist of a variety of vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, and bean sprouts. Egg rolls are very easy to make and are a great appetizer to make for parties or other social events. Eggs rolls go great with sweet and sour sauce for dipping. Enjoy.

Buttermilk Pancakes

Buttermilk Pancakes

Forget about the box mixes, be adventurous and make homemade buttermilk pancakes! There are literally tons of different ways to make pancakes but you can’t go wrong with the classic buttermilk. Buttermilk pancakes are some of the lightest and fluffiest pancakes you will ever eat and they are so delicious. If you have never cooked pancakes before don’t let the process intimidate you, making pancakes are very easy and in no time at all you will be a pro at it. You want the pancakes to cook rather slowly so they don’t burn (black pancakes don’t taste very good
J) and so they are cooked all the way through without burning the outside. The process is simple, basically mix the batter, pour and flip. If you’re look for a fast and delicious breakfast this recipe is for you, and after all, what would breakfast be without pancakes?

Cashew Chicken

Cashew Chicken

A Chinese-American dish that is growing in popularity is Cashew Chicken. This dish actually originated in the United States in Springfield, Missouri. Cashew Chicken can be found at many Chinese buffets across the country. This recipe for Cashew chicken consists of fried chicken bits with cashews and vegetables in a delicious oyster sauce. This recipe differs from others and those at the buffets because the chicken is breaded and then deep fried leaving the chicken pieces nice and crispy. Cashew Chicken is best served on top of white rice. Enjoy.

Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal Cookies 

Do you have a bunch of oatmeal sitting around? There’s no better way to make good use of it than with Oatmeal Cookies! These crispy, chewy and slightly crunchy cookies are sure to impress almost anyone. Unlike some other recipes, this recipe uses real oats, not quick oats or any other special variety. These cookies are very easy to make and you will be eating them in no time. If you are looking for a great cookie recipe, give these a try! Enjoy.